4 Ways to Get Job Experience Fast

It’s the question on just about everyone’s mind when they try to break into a new field. It’s the same for those looking for their first job as it is for those looking to move into entirely new careers. Employers want experienced employees, but how do they get that experience if they can’t get hired? The answer is to get creative!

Quick Read:
It isn’t always easy to break into a new field. But volunteers, interns, students and DIYers don’t settle for easy answers. Instead, they take initiative and push themselves forward, even if it means taking an unconventional path. See the benefits that go beyond experience in the options below.

Get Job Experience Faster with These Sage Tips.

Making Experience Out of Nothing at All

Nothing quite takes the optimism out of venturing into a new field like people refusing to hire you because you don’t have experience. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if the position is relatively entry level. But don’t let the naysayers get you down. We have a few tips and tricks that can help you add that experience to your resume, which could mean getting your foot in the door.

Here’s how to get creative about gaining experience.

  • Volunteer: The most obvious choice is to volunteer somewhere that offers the experience you need. Don’t just look for volunteer openings, either. Instead, look in areas where people might benefit from a little help, and then offer it to them. You won’t make any money, but the experience could lead to a position right where you’re volunteering, or just get you a bit of time in to add to your resume. It might even be a great way to find out if it’s even the field you want to work in.
  • Intern: Interns make a small salary, if they make one at all. But the businesses who need interns tend to have people who are pretty high up the ladder in their careers. Don’t overlook the benefits of networking while going through your internship. This position is about experience and networking, not earning.
  • DIY: If you’re really interested in the field, try just doing it yourself, if that’s possible. With so much technology available, it’s harder in some cases not to have experience than it is to have it. For just about anything involving a computer, trial and error is right in your home, or worst case scenario, your library. And remember, you don’t have to know everything about a field to gain limited experience. Start with some of the smaller elements of the job and work your way toward the more difficult ones.
  • Study: Higher learning courses often offer practical experience as well as academic. Even if employers prefer on-the-job experience, an education in your chosen field of interest isn’t likely to go ignored. That isn’t even about the education, either – it’s about demonstrating an effort to learn more about a specific skill set.

People who find ways to gain job experience on their own aren’t just offering future employers some entry level knowledge. They are also offering motivation that can’t be found in everyone. The real question is, how much effort are you willing to put in to meet your goals?

~Here’s to Your Success