You have thrown around the idea of selling some of the items you have recently created. Or maybe you want to sell items you own. You have thought it would make a great business, perhaps. One of the best and lowest-cost ways to start a business is through eBay.
To get started:
Go to the eBay main website and register for an account. You can choose business or personal. Make sure to fill out all the information properly and use a professional email and name. Once you have set up your information, you can go to the account preferences and set up items like what payment you would like to use. Using PayPal is a safe and easy way to accept money and works well with eBay.
Start listing items:
Take professional photographs of your items, so they stand out. Use good lighting and great angles. Make sure the product is easy to see in a thumbnail. When you list your item, you will add a description. This is the place you will want to be very detailed. You can use keywords here and make your item easy to find when someone searches for it. The more detailed you are, the better for your item.
When you choose the cost of your item, make sure to find comparable items, so you have a price that will help it sell. Not too low and not too high. Also, realize a fee is taken out on every purchase, but this can be eliminated if you sign up for a subscription. Do not sign up for the monthly fee until you have proven you are making money through the free account. In the shipping, you will want to offer free shipping. So, consider this when listing your item and how much it will be to ship. Before you ship your first item, go to the post office and calculate what it will cost you with the item and box. Remember eBay has a limit of 50 items a day.
You sold an item:
As soon as the item is sold, make sure to immediately contact the buyer and get the item ready to send. Communication is what makes you a better seller on eBay.
Enroll in Ebays hassle-free return program and use a money-back guarantee. You will get reruns, but how do you handle the returns.
Ask for feedback from your buyers and deal with any customer issues right away.
Capturing your customers:
When you are ready, you will want to set up your own website, perhaps using a free website builder. Make the site all about your products. Then connect your eBay account to your website. This will be how you redirect customers to your site. As more people contact you or purchase your product save their emails and make email lists.
Email Lists:
Each week or month, you can email your customers and let them know about your product. You can use an email marketing system if you want for this. They help manage your emails and the customer’s email preferences.
Enjoy selling your product, and don’t go overboard spending money right away. As you make money, you can grow your business.