Leo Horoscope

Sep 10, 2024… You will likely re-evaluate your future today, Leo. They say that life is what happens while you’re making other plans. Has yours taken a detour from the expected beaten path? If you find yourself in a place you never thought to be in, you may just need to go with the flow and adjust. Don’t try to fit an old square goal into today’s new round hole. Are your best ideas a little outside-the-box? Even better! Starting today, go your own way! Using your Virgo finesse, you have the power today to take big leaps into the future.

Today’s Inspiration: An idle mind is no one’s friend if you’re facing anxiety or self-sabotage. If you have moments in which your consciousness drifts toward turning on you, try instead to engage your mind with challenging tasks. Whether you enjoy puzzles, video or word games, or detective shows and books, find ways to keep your mind working so that it doesn’t have a chance to self-destruct. Of course you have to deal with the underlying causes, but keeping your brain positive and engaged can actually help you heal from destructive thoughts.